
Monday, November 21, 2005

Polyphasic Sleep Experiment: Antidepressant Effects?

In my post of my polynapping experiment covering days 2 and 3, I mentioned that I had a period of time where I was extraordinarily happy. Almost manic. It was really nice at the time, because I really did feel just incredibly good, but I also wonder somewhat about what caused it.

In the course of my diggings for information on the possible long term effects of polyphasic sleeping, I stumbled across (naturally) a lot of information on sleep deprivation. It seems that there was some research in the 70’s on using sleep deprivation as an antidepressant therapy. It may have gained some interest again in the last 5-10 years. Maybe this is connected.

Now, with this in mind, one must wonder on the reported mood improvements of polynappers. Could it just be the antidepressant effects? Or the extra productivity: could it just be that once in an enhanced mood, one is more likely to work better or harder? It's hard to say without more testing, most especially actual scientific testing (and not my casual “experiment”).

I also wonder how much of the “improvement” in mood is just that a polynapper is just getting a “fix” of sleep after a withdrawal period. This would be similar to how a first dose of caffeine (or some other addictive chemical) after a fast from it is always much more satisfying, and users will report better moods on initial doses (I couldn’t find a reference to back this up, so take it with a grain of salt).

To speak as a polynapping tester myself, I’m inclined to think that, while the “withdrawal” effect has some connection to why one feels so good, it’s not the entire aspect. Even with only having done the experiment for a few days, there are periods right after naps where I feel just incredibly good. Far better than if I were just on monophasic sleeping… Like I said, almost frighteningly good.

But I guess we can’t complain about happiness unless it goes away, eh?



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