
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Polyphasic Sleep - Problem & Solution: Introduction

I’ve noticed that there are a good number of blogs sprouting up relating to polyphasic sleeping, mine included. Obviously, there’s been a recent boom of people wanting to try it for themselves… the promise of that much extra time is just too much to pass up.

The problem is that we all are going through many of the same problems, but we're not necessarily sharing solutions and false leads. And I think it’s time we started doing just that. Not all polynap testers have time to read the entirety of ever blog on the topic to figure out how to deal.

So, I want to start posting about specific problems faced by polynappers as they attempt to get onto the Uberman sleep schedule. For each, I want to address them with suggestions that may help and hopefully have some cited scientific basis. I want to make these “P&S” (Problem and Suggestion) posts fairly common, so that others that come across this blog get more than just a general coverage of what I’ve personally gone through.

In this case, they will also be able to get suggestion for a specific solution to a specific problem, such as dry eyes, and also see if it has any scientific basis on which to stand (does the research support the suggestion? Is it just armchair speculation? Etc.).

So if you’ve run into any problems yourself while trying to adopt, even if they’re common, let me know in the comments of this blog (or write to me directly). We can start addressing them as a community.

Oh, and don’t forget to give a little information on the schedule you’re trying to adopt and where in the adoption period you are/were when you encountered the problem.



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